
The Renaissance School is established and governed by Ganga Ram Memorial Education and Charitable Trust Bhanopli. The Renaissance School aims to be India’s leading school in the age of digital personalization, under the CBSE system. The vision of The Renaissance School extends beyond the narrow walls of classrooms and textbooks, as it aims to give the students a truly global perspective while preparing them for the careers of tomorrow. The Renaissance School will empower its vision with unique educational programmes, where learning comes alive. The Renaissance School aims at making learning interesting by making it more practical oriented-with the motto Learning Enrich Life. In addition, the focus will be on inculcating life skills such as reading, public speaking, making presentations, personal grooming, working in teams etc. with an emphasis on the application of the knowledge to everyday situations.


We will continue to advance contemporary educational approaches to the student learning and integrate liberal arts and sciences with professional disciplines. We will continually enhance the campus environment to provide a wide range of social and cultural opportunities including the physical facilities necessary to support lifelong learning and professional development. Our colleges will be recognized, both regionally and nationally, as pre-eminent educational institutions.


Our mission is excellence in education, firmly grounded in and integrated with the sciences and the liberal arts. We are committed to serve the society and ultimately the nation.