Some young children may enter with a great deal of composure and self assurance, while others may feel very insecure and need their mothers or someone close to them by their side until they feel comfortable in the new surroundings. Some children (30 months and above) may even show a lot of eagerness when first talking about school, but when the great day comes, they may be clinging to the mother and show unwillingness to remain at school by themselves. This reluctance may be temporary and if handled properly will be minimal.
We should remember that this is the first time, the child may be separating from the mother for such a long time and thus we should make this weaning from home gradual and smooth. The following suggestions will help you as parents to make your child's adjustments in school easier.
(i) Prepare him for school. Explain him that school is a place where many children come to play, sing and hear stories. Also that they can play and have fun with various toys.
(ii) Be prepared yourself to accompany your child to the Nursery for about one or two weeks, so that the school for the child becomes is a secure place. This will gradually help him to accept the school.
(iii) Telling the anxious child "There is nothing to be afraid of or "you are too big to cry this way", will make more frightened. So refrain from making such statements.
(iv) If the mother herself is over anxious or acts annoyed or show reluctance to remain with the child at school, the child may feel even more upset, So be patient.
(v) Though in the beginning, the child will cling to the mother or father gradually you should try and let him do things on his own. So let him choose his toys and activities. Don't choose for him all the time.
(vi) When you are leaving the school premises, don't say "OK I am going now". This will make adjustments more difficult. If the child is involved in any play, leave the class as quietly as possible, and you may be surprised to see that he is happy with others and he is not even missing the parent.
(vii) In the beginning, if you find that the child is adjusting slowly, don't leave the premises. For sometime stay outside the class, so that if the child needs you the teacher can approach you.